Hydration Habits for Active Children – Keep Your Kids Hydrated

About 70% of a kid’s body is made up of water. Therefore, learning hydration habits for active children is crucial. 

Water performs critical bodily functions, such as body temperature regulation, food digestion, lubrication of joints, transportation of general nutrients, blood circulation, and removal of waste products.

Children are at higher risk of dehydration than adults. This is because children have a larger area of ​​skin that loses sweat and is exposed to heat compared to their body size. 

In this article, we mention all these possible ways. But before moving into detail, first, the required water level and the symptoms that indicate low hydration level. 

Children Need to Drink Water

As you know, our body loses water throughout the day through sweating, breathing, and urinating. So, replacing lost fluids is essential to prevent dehydration.

Additionally, children need to remember to drink water. But don’t worry, and there are several ways to ensure your child gets enough fluids. 

For example, you can encourage your child to have a water bottle with them so that they can also stay away from sugary drinks. 

Per Day Need of Water to Stay Hydrated

How much water should kids drink?

The need for water depends on age, activity level, and size. 

According to age, the following are the recommended glasses of water.

Below 8 years, the child must try to drink 4-6 cups of water/glasses

However, those above 8 years old should get 6-8 cups of water/glasses

If your child is an athlete, he will need extra fluoride instead of sports drinks.

Signs of Dehydration

It’s essential to know the symptoms of dehydration to ensure your child is not dehydrated. Always check the following symptoms.

  • Headache
  • Thirsty
  • Lack of concentration
  • Dry mouth
  • Constipation
  • Lethargy
  • Heat exhaustion
  • Dark urination

It’s a tough job to keep your child hydrated all the time. There are several tips to make your job easy. Let’s explore them 

Your Kid Needs to Drink More Water

As a mom, you must develop a habit of keeping kids hydrated.

In this regard, water is the best drink, and you must ensure your child carries a water bottle. And encourage them to drink water frequently and to reduce the usage of tap water. 

It is one of the easiest ways to encourage a kid to drink more water. 

Encourage Hydrating Food to Meat Hydration Value

Use water containing fruits and vegetables. Make smoothies according to the choice of your child.

You can also have water-containing food in their lunch boxes to get enough water, including cucumber and watermelon, Orange, and many more. 

hydration habits

Water Reminder

You can also set reminders for your child to drink water every hour to encourage proper hydration habits. 

You can set the alarm on their smartwatches so they know they must drink water even while playing.

Limit Soda Intake & Choose Water

Ultimately, you should encourage your child to drink more water and limit the soda intake. 

They are also high in sugar and can cause harm to a kid’s health. 

That’s why your kid must avoid soda water drinks with fresh water because they are unhealthy for your child and cause severe health issues. 

Act as a Role Model to Get Kids to Drink

Remember, to make a habit of your children, you must also drink enough water. 

Because children take their parents as good role models, they follow their parents.

If you drink enough water, then they automatically make a habit of drinking enough water.

Drinks to limit

Your child may like to drink several flavored drinks. However, you must discourage them as they are high in sugar.

Furthermore, a toddler should also not get flavored milk. 

Sugar-sweetened beverages must be avoided or should be given in moderation. With that, you may consider fresh fruit or juices as a healthy intake of water, but in reality, they are causing harm as they are high in sugar.

On the contrary, you can offer lemonade to your child to meet the water requirement and to encourage hydration habits. 

sugar-sweetened beverages, lemonade, fresh juices, moderation, fruit juices, water content, 


How Much Water Should My Kids Drink? 

It depends upon the kid’s age. Kids between 1-3 years need 4 cups of water per day. At the same time, an active child of 4-5 years needs 5 cups daily. 

What is The Best Way to Remind Your Kids To Stay Hydrated?

  • Pack a bottle with them.
  • Encourage them to drink water before, during, and after physical activity.
  • Remember to give water with meals and snacks.
  • You also drink water in front of kids to encourage them. 

What is The Best Way of Hydration? 

Drinking water is the best way to satisfy your thirst and stay hydrated during vigorous activities.

Bottom Line-Hydration Habits:

Water is an essential part of our body. No one can survive without water. Children lose water more quickly due to more significant physical activity.

So, enhancing kids’ water intake is necessary to prevent dehydration. You can develop healthy hydration habits for active children.